北京时间11月7日,FCC宣布SDoC形式认证在11月2日正式生效,所有隶属于原FCC VoC和FCC DoC形式认证的产品,将全部更改为SDoC。之前满足FCC VoC和FCC DoC的产品不会被取消。SDoC对测试实验室的资..
138-2432-8299 立即咨询发布时间:2020-11-24 热度:
北京时间11月7日,FCC宣布SDoC形式认证在11月2日正式生效,所有隶属于原FCC VoC和FCC DoC形式认证的产品,将全部更改为SDoC。之前满足FCC VoC和FCC DoC的产品不会被取消。SDoC对测试实验室的资质将不作要求,同时测试法规和内容也不会有变化,详见下文:
FCC response on 11/06/2017
FCC Report and order 17-93 became effective on November 2, 2017 which merged the equipment authorization processes for DoC and Verification into SDoC. SDoC does not require and accredited testing laboratory to perform the testing.
Devices previously authorized under the Verification or DoC procedures are not cancelled under 17-93.
A laboratory in China wishing to perform testing of devices subject to certification must be FCC recognized as accredited. The accreditation assessment must be completed by A2LA or NVLAP at this time and designated to the FCC and recognized prior to any testing. Devices subject to SDoC testing are not required to be tested at an FCC recognized testing laboratory.
Existing KDBs and the FCC website will be updated shortly to reflect the changes that became effective per 17-93.
虽然SDoC已正式生效,并取消了FCC VoC和FCC DoC,但是目前没有发布17-93的文件,也没有宣布过渡期,所以 VoC、DoC和SDoC目前都可以执行。为避免日后更新,NTC建议各位申请者选择SDoC。
需要特别说明的是SDoC形式认证,对于Label的要求与原VoC要求一致,不体现FCC Logo,仅提示FCC警示语,更多资讯请联系NTC。
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自从2017年11月2日美国联邦通讯委员会官方宣布简化认证流程和电子标签使用规范,FCC DoC和FCC VOC正式合并为SDoC.FCC认证由之前的DoC VOC和ID简化成SDoc和ID了。那么新的FCC认证中FCC ...